Norms for the selection of Oral Presentations

Due date: 15/11/2010
Submission on the website:

Within the scientific activities of the SBCCV Congress, scientific production has an important role in the form of Oral Presentations. This year, just like in recent national and international congresses, besides the 24 selected Oral Presentations, we will have a large number of papers presented as posters.

Forty four papers will be selected for presented during the Poster Session. The author will find a model of the presentation format in the website. This format will allow a 3 minutes oral presentation.

The committee will receive the papers submitted until November 15th, 2010, via BJCS website . The person presenting the poster (author or co-author) must be necessarily registered in the congress.

All abstracts submitted to selection will be evaluated by the Judging Committee of the Brazilian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, which comprises the members of the Board of SBCCV, that will judge separately each abstract sent, blind to author and institution of origin.

To standardize the evaluation, the following items will be judged:

    Originality and Relevance
    Statistical analysis of Material and Method
    Text adequacy, results presentation, correlation to conclusions

Sending the abstract will seal an agreement on the author(s) part to present the paper, th in the format it is approved for the 38 Congress of the SBCCV.

There is no limit for the number of Oral Presentations Abstracts that may be sent by one same author. Nevertheless, the same person can only present two papers. If more than two abstracts of the same author are accepted, he/she should ask one of the coauthors to present the others. Shall a co-author present the paper, he/she must necessarily be registered in the Congress.

The due date is irrevocable since after judging and selecting, the papers will be published along with the Scientific Program of the Congress, in the issue of the RBCCV.

2010-2011 © SBCCV Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular