
Dear colleagues,

The Congress of the Brazilian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery is the largest annual event in cardiovascular surgery in Latin America. This year, the joint Congress of the Latin American Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery will strength the scope of the united meeting.

The organizing committee prepared the scientific and social program with dedication and early in time.

The huge success of the Hands-On session in the last Congress will be repeated and improved.

The Techno College, in partnership with the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery (EACTS), will be enlarged and with one full day of objective and practical procedures to help the decision-making process in the daily life of cardiovascular surgeons. The innovation and the incorporation of new technology will have their importance acknowledged and topics such as endovascular surgery of the aorta, transcatheter aortic valve implantation and minimally invasive surgery will be presented as core subjects.

Many foreign guests are expected to come and share their experience and expertise with Brazilian and Latin American surgeons.

Reserve in your agenda March 31 to April 2, 2010 to be with us, share scientific experience and reinforce friendship bonds. We also are determined to unite cardiovascular surgeons from all over the world even closer, in a friendly and warm environment.

Welcome to Porto Alegre.

Gilberto Venossi Barbosa
President of SBCCV

Walter José Gomes
SBCCV Scientific Director

Eduardo Keller Saadi
President of the 38 SBCCV Congress

2010-2011 © SBCCV Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular