Oral Presentations

Norms for the Selection of Oral Presentations
Due Date: 11/15/2009

As we well know, among the scientific activities of the SBCCV Congress, the Oral Presentations have an important share in representing the Brazilian scientific production. This year, as it has been done in recent national and international Congresses, besides the 24 Oral Presentations selected, we will open the opportunity for other papers to be presented as posters. 44 will be selected for presentation during the Poster Break Session. A poster sample can be found in the web site. This format will be good for a three minutes presentation.

The papers have to be sent until 11.15.09, via www.rbccv.org.br. Those authors and co-authors approved to present them have to be registered in the congress, and, if associated to SBCCV, have their 2010 perpetuity paid.

All the abstracts sent for the selection will be evaluated by a Committee formed by the members of the Board of the Brazilian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery who will judge independently each abstract, blinded to author(s) and center(s) of origin.
The following items will be evaluated to standardize the selection:

  • Originality and Relevance
  • Design
  • Statistical Treatment of Data, and Method
  • Text adequacy, results presentation and correlation to conclusions.

On sending the abstract the authors agree to present their paper in the format accepted during the 37thCongress of the Brazilian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.

There is no limit for the number of abstracts sent by the same author. Nevertheless, the same author can present only 02 (two) papers. If more than two papers of the same author are accepted, the author should ask one of the co-authors to present the other papers. If the presentation is done by one of the co-authors, he/she must be registered in the Congress.

The due date will not be postponed, since after the selection the papers will be published with the Scientific Program of the Congress in the Brazilian Magazine for Cardiovascular Surgery issue - RBCCV.

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2009-2010 © SBCCV Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular